OPENING: The meeting was held at Quonset Hut on Pine Street in Whitman. Members started arriving a little after 7:00. Club Vice President, Chris N1WWI officially opened the meeting at 7:40 p.m.
ATTENDANCE: The total attendance was 19 and included 2 of the
elected officers and 2 members of the Board of Directors.
Chris Tilden N1WWI | Charlet Sherman N1VQZ |
Irving Spector W1RQW | George Kelly N1ZZO |
Jim Gilbert W5IRW | Tom Lehmann N1ZZM |
Jeff Lehmann N1ZZN | George Johnston N1SUY |
Bill Tracy N1SON | Joe Diloreto N1FEE |
Gil Follett WA1GDJ | Ed Meehan N1NTZ |
George Davis KC1FZ | Frank Hayes N1OGP |
John Seamans KB1CVN | Vic Kairis N1OEH |
George Pedro N1XXR | Bruce Hayden NI1X |
John Logan N1ZZP |
Jeff N1SOM was unable to attend the meeting, but copies of the treasurer’s report were circulated. The club had a beginning balance of $1,303.31 on May 1st, May income of $1,068.56, expenses of $732.79, leaving an ending balance of $1,639.08 on May 31st. Frank N1OGP and Ed N1NTZ made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report, the motion was seconded by The Bruce NI1X, and approved as read.
The new generator was on display at the meeting. It is smaller than the old one, but runs good and is all set for Field Day. The cost to the club was $350. Volunteers are needed to help make the generator safer to operate when it gets warm. Suggestions were made to move the fuel source farther away from the generator using flexiline.
The Bike a thon took place this past weekend, with several members participating. Some members got wet with the rain, but all expressed how important ham radio is to public events such as this.
The Mount Washington Special Event Station is moving along as planned for Saturday, June 13th. Bruce K1HTN has been busy making up 20 meter loops for the event. The participating members will leave about noon on Friday, spend the night at Bruce’s NH home, and travel up the mountain early Saturday morning to operate.
Field Day Update: The club has verbal permission to use the park for the Field Day Weekend, Saturday June 27th and Sunday June 28th. The Bruce NI1X expressed how important it was to get the necessary written permission forms filled out for our stay overnight, since the park is usually closed to visitors at night. Chris N1WWI volunteered to stop by the park office and make sure the needed forms are complete.
Ed N1NTZ asked about the status of the band pass filters
which were voted on a few meetings ago. Chris N1WWI reported
that they have been ordered (20 and 40 meters), and we are just waiting
on delivery. He also reported that
the latest QST Magazine had an article on making band pass filters.
The Bruce NI1X brought in the latest delivery of the QSL cards from the Bureau at the ARRL. These were QSL’s from prior special events, such as the flea market and Plimoth Plantation. Some of the cards were several years old.
The Bruce NI1X made a motion that we send another $10 to the Bureau on our QSL account for future deliveries. George KC1FZ seconded the motion and the motion was approved. Jim W5IRW added that the Bureau is a great source for when you have a foreign contact and cant find the ham’s information in any local call books or databases. The Bureau forwards the card to the Bureau in that country, and they usually find the person for you.
The Bruce NI1X reports the club packet is still up and running. It seems to hang up every two or three weeks, which is normal for the PackRat 232 software. Gil WA1GDJ suggested that a KPC3 would work well, it resets and reinitializes itself on reboot.
Joe N1FEE asked for a round of applause for those responsible for the work done on the flea market. Several people noted on how clean the parking lot was afterwards. A letter needs to be sent to the Donut shop for the donation, and to Saftler’s for the use of the lot, the old letters will be dug out of prior minutes of the meetings to use.
The Bruce NI1X asked about the status of the forms for mailing the nominations and votes for officers. It was reported that Jeff N1SOM was in the process of completing that task. They will be mailed to those paid up on dues, and either mailed back to the club house or brought to the meeting, where they will be counted by two trustworthy people.
Gil WA1GDJ reported on this past Saturday’s Skywarn activities. The National Weather service had activated a tornado warning for our area. The Skywarn net lasted until about midnight, with several operators handling net control as they were available. This multiple net control worked well for all involved.
The National Weather Service in Taunton also operated an open house display this past weekend. Jeff N1ZZN got to launch the Amateur Radio Balloon, which will be used to send temperature information back via code. Of the many members who visited the display, all agreed that the weather service did an excellent job, and there were no long waits this year.
Gil WA1GDJ reported on the most recent fox hunt. It was a Level 1 with a festive feast, and some added that the fox cheated, hi,hi. The Bruce NI1X held a cook out at his home after the foxhunt. Gil WA1GDJ brought in the first place certificate and presented it to Ed N1NTZ. John N1ZZP made up the beautiful certificates, which have a color picture of a fox on the background. The next foxhunt is June 6th, with Gene AA1CJ being the fox.
George KC1FZ has heard that Radio Shack has a HT202 on sale for about $150.
Ed N1NTZ made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:25pm, Joe
N1FEE and Jim W5IRW seconded the motion, the motion was
approved and the meeting adjourned.
OPENING: The meeting was held at Quonset Hut on Pine Street in Whitman. Members started arriving a little after 7:00. Club Vice President, Chris N1WWI officially opened the meeting at 7:40 p.m.
ATTENDANCE: The total attendance was 19 and included 3 of the
elected officers.
Chris Tilden N1WWI | Charlet Sherman N1VQZ |
Jeff Tracy N1SOM | Lenny Amabile N1MII |
Walt Dolson K1BZD | Bruce Beaman K1HTN |
Bob Mandeville N1EDM | George Kelly N1ZZO |
Loren Pimentel N1IQI | John Logan N1ZZP |
Tom Lehmann N1ZZM | Jeff Lehmann N1ZZN |
John Coombs WQ1L | Vic Karois N1OEH |
Bernard Snow N1OQW | Bob Johnson WA1OFR |
Mike N1FRV | Bruce Hayden NI1X |
George Pedro N1XXR |
Jeff N1SOM gave the treasurer’s report for June. The club had a beginning balance of $1,639.08 on June 1st, no income, and expenses of $350.00 for the generator, leaving an ending balance of $1,289.08 on June 15th. The Bruce NI1X made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report as read, seconded by Walt K1BZD, and approved.
Mount Washington Update: George N1XXR gave us a run down on how the Mount Washington Special Event Station went last weekend. The participants met at Bruce’s K1HTN home on Lake Ossipee. The next morning the weather was bad, so a call was made to the mountain to get an okay before starting their trip. As they put up the antennae’s, the wind was 64 mph with heavy rain. They used 2 dipoles and one R5 antennae. Jim WB2QVA had brought a new Force 12 multi band antennae, which they tried to put up, but couldn’t due to the weather.
At one point the park personnel asked that they move an antennae off the hiking trail, as to their surprise 7 hikers were coming up the mountain in the bad weather. Bruce K1HTN reported that when he fired up and threw out the call, several people were sitting on the frequency just waiting for the contact. He made about 35 contacts, mostly stateside, the farthest being a VE9 call.
They had to break down a bit early, since the park was closing the road because of the weather. So everyone put their wet clothing back on, and took down the antennae’s in 86 mph winds with pelting ice and rain. At the bottom of the hill, they stopped and switched into the sort of dry clothing for the 4-hr. drive home.
George N1XXR and Bruce K1HTN will be getting their film developed, and George has pictures from the mountain in good weather for before shots. It was requested that George N1XXR write up an article describing their trip in more detail for the newsletter.
Field Day Update: Jeff N1ZZN brought up the subject of field day, where he would like to try out 2 meter ssb again. Jeff N1SOM has been looking into how to quiet down the generator, and found a dealer which would install a muffler for approximately $70. The Bruce NI1X made a motion that this is done, Jeff N1SOM seconded the motion, and the members approved. This will be done over the next weekend, and at that time a fueling system will also be set up. Chris N1WWI will drop off a copy of our permission form to spend the night at the park at the local police station. Further discussion was held on who was bring what, operating on which bands, the log and dupe sheets, and the need for tents, gas cans, and food.
Lenny N1MII complemented Jeff N1SOM on the first issue of the Spectrum newsletter.
Walt K1BZD reported that James D Serra NG1Z passed away. He sent a card on behalf of the club to the family, and opened discussion on wanting to send a donation to the Alzheimer’s Disease Fund in James’s name. Jimmy was a former member of the Board of Director’s for the club. Bruce K1HTN made a motion to give a donation of $25 to the fund, Lenny N1MII seconded the motion, and the motion was approved.
Walt K1BZD has recently acquired a computer, an HP Pavilion, and will soon be using email.
Lenny N1MII made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:30pm, Bob WA1OFR seconded the motion, the motion was approved and the meeting adjourned.
Mount Washington "DX Pedition"
Mt. Washington A success
By George Pedro, N1XXR
The Mount Washington DX Expedition
Area Hams recently went to Mt. Washington for a special event to test
equipment and celebrate the home of the world’s worst weather. Unfortunately,
the celebration included a fine sample of "worst weather". With permission
from the Whit Mountain National Forest Park Service a team from the Whitman
ARC and the Massasoit Amateur Radio Association of Bridgewater on June
13, 1998 operated on all HF bands from the "Tip Top House" at the summit
of Mt. Washington. The elevation is 6,288’ and, as previously stated, is
known for being the home of the World’s worst weather with the highest
recorded winds on earth of 231 MPH in April 1934.
On June 13th at 6:30am Park Manager, Mike Pelchat reported to the team
by phone that the wind was 45 MPH with fog and drizzle at the summit. The
crew decided to leave the dry, warm comfort of their guest accommodations
on Lake Ossippee and proceed to the summit. Upon arrival at the summit,
2 hours later, they found the winds had increased to 67 MPH with very heavy
rain. In spite of this and with the help of Ranger Pelchat they set up
several antennas under severe conditions. Once the antennas were secure,
the crew changed their wet gear and sought shelter in the "Tip Top House"
a stone edifice built back in the 1800’s and truly one of the country’s
national treasures.
Although radio band conditions were poor due to the foul weather, many
contacts were made throughout the country. However, as the day progressed,
conditions continued to deteriorate. Finally the park service shut down
the Cog Railroad that travels to the summit daily as well as closing the
auto road.
With the winds now nearly hurricane force (86 MPH) and heavy rain with
hale moving horizontally with great force, a suggestion was made by George
Pedro of East Bridgewater to terminate the DX expedition. Everyone worked
to break down the antennas, pack up, and carefully descend the summit via
the auto road. Glad to be back on solid ground, all enjoyed the comfort
of the Glen House at the base of Mt. Washington and another change of Dry
cloths before heading home.
Those participating were Jeff Lehmann (N1ZZN) of Hanson; James
D’Ambrosio (WB2QVA) of Raynham; Bruce Hayden (NI1X) of Raynham;
Bruce Beaman (K1HTN) of East Bridgewater; Chris Tilden (N1WWI)
of East Bridgewater; and George Pedro (N1XXR) of East Bridgewater.
Everyone believes that this trip to the summit of Mt. Washington has
prepared all for almost any type of field conditions if the need for emergency
communications arises, or maybe even a trip to Herd Island.
-----courtesy of George Pedro
When the skywarn net is brought up it is first up in a Level 2
or in a Stand by mode. The intention of this level is to keep the
repeater open for other conversation to blend in with any minor reporting
or weather chatting that would be transferred among the spotters. Our Net
Control Operators using a level 2 do not run a controlled net at this time.
Although when initial check in are being done it does get hectic BUT BREAK-IN
to the Net Control Operator are allowed and encouraged if necessary. This
doesn't have to be an emergency by the BREAKING IN station. Contact and
travel or short quickies or the likes are ok. However, WX related material
does take priority and has been recognized by all on the repeater for several
years. As the weather incident slacks off the Net Control Operator might
make the announcement that all spotters are released and that Net Control
will be standing by in STANDBY mode in case further development builds
up again. During this stand-by condition the Net is off but everyone knows
that the Net Control Operator is available for information if the need
arises. The repeater is open totally at this time. The Net Control Operator
would break-in in a normal fashion to get control of the repeater for a
moment. Get the information and go back into the Stand-by mode OR reopen
the Level 2 mode. His call. In a Level 2 status the Net Control Operator
will keep the repeater informed of the weather, special bulletins and post
the level every once in a while so people listening to the repeater that
are not
involved might know what is going on. In stand-by this is not done.
The Net Control Operator will secure all activities at the conclusion of
the event. This final closing could be well into the night and everyone
has gone to sleep. Maybe even the Net Control Operator. If at anytime you
need to use the repeater, take a moment and listen to what is going on
for a moment and then ask for a call. No problem. In most cases that is
never any problem. Your call is just as important as ours is and it is
a two-way street.
Now when the wx gets really severe and WE have the action the NCO will
take the event to a Level 1. At this time the repeater will be secured
for South Shore Skywarn Group only. It will be a controlled net, all calls
will be addressed to the NCO and the events will be of a serious nature.
If a person needs to make a call on the repeater of importance he/she should
address a request to the NCO. He will allow it at his discretion. Basically
this is pretty much forward and direct. Fortunately 3 years I have had
only one situation that I have taken to a Level 1. That was one hurricane
that escapes me now that passed off the Islands and we were at Level 1.
We do activate for Severe Thunderstorms when advised by the NWS. As I did today. There is much to look at weather wise and try to maintain knowledge if it is incoming to us. Don't want another downburst to slide in on us and not know about it like the last one.
I am the Net Coordinator for the Group. Carl N1FYZ is one step above
me In the chain. All decisions are made by him and me. My Net Control Operators
specifically are WA1GDJ, N1FYZ, N1EDM, N1WAI, and N1OTX. They all can call
up the net at anytime on their own per NWS request. There are procedures
that mandates callups so they just are not random. In most cases I
am advised and then call for a NCO if reached.
When the net is up and active the NCO can and will move msgs to proper
places. Like if a spotter comes across a motor vehicle he will take the
message and send it to the proper authority. What our spotters see and
report is what is recorded and moved. We also cross msgs to MEMA thru Carl
N1FYZ at the Bridgewater bunker if that is the direction it must go. However,
and for the most part, we are basically interested in SEVERE WX CONDITIONS.
Our main objective is to report what is going on to the
All our member are trained by the NWS Taunton sometime during there
first year. This is a must. They then know the procedures and what is required
of a spotter without having to train each on ourselves. Of course we do
repeat some of the necessary issues within the group and with others that
are interested. To clarify this a little bit. When we are in Level 1 the
NCO will only take information from a registered NWS spotter. That means
he has to have that ID# from NWS. Our group members have these numbers
are on record here. Non skywarn people do not enter into this event.
On a Level 2 the NCO will take information from any amateur radio operator
that has information to be passed on to the NCO. And, of course, on a stand-by
everyone is welcome.
Now there is another angle to the group. Since SKYWARN is a NATIONAL
WEATHER SERVICE group anyone ham or non-ham can take the training and be
a spotter. They can ride with spotters or spot on their own. Of course
they cannot use Amateur Radios to communicate with the NCO. Therefore,
NCO operators try to leave their phone lines open for incoming calls
by non-ham spotters during events. Sometimes they get busy also so please
keep trying.
I guess the bottom line is that when the weather is up so are we. Maybe
not on the radio but the computers are buzzing and the TV’s are monitored
waiting for the signal to activate. Always feel free to break in at a
conveint time if need be. Feel free to offer your sightings to the
NCO and participate in any Stand-by or Level 2 Net. If interested in the
system and want more information please ask any of the Net Control Operators
at anytime. There is formal training in the spring of each year and those
dates are posted and available through New England. The formal training
for this season is over for SKYWARN TRAINING and advance training is starting
for Net Operators, Evaluators, Hurricane workers and many aspects of
FEMA and MEMA. There is a place for you in any one of these three groups
and you will be welcomed with open arms.
Catch You On The Net
Coordinator for
There will be a FREE Emergency Communications Seminar (WORKSHOP) on
Saturday August 1st, 1998 from 9AM to 4PM at the Walpole Senior Center,
Walpole Town Hall. The town hall is located on 135 School Street in Walpole.
The Senior Center is located at the rear entrance to the town hall. This
workshop is open to all amateur radio operators and those interested in
emergency communications.
This Emergency Communications Seminar will provide the background
and information to serve Amateur Radio Operators when they need to respond
to a communications emergency. It will feature an introduction and conclusion
to emergency communications, and five 1 hour training sessions on topics
including; NTS Traffic/Message Handling; Net Operations, Net Control Operation,
Basic intro to first aid, Go kits (responding to an emergency, What to
bring with you).
It will feature a one-hour lunch that will be provided at no
cost to Amateurs. Amateur Operators will give the presentations and there
will be a round table discussion or open forum.
Preregistration is requested, but not required. If you preregister
please do so by Saturday July 25th, 1998 so they can get a head count.
Walk-ins will be welcome if space permits.
Talk in will be on 146.895 (-600 shift, no PL tone) Walpole EMA K1HRV
repeater. They have plenty of free parking and a short walk from the T
station (commuter rail).
Scuttle but
Jeff N1ZZN over the weekend before the July 6th meeting mowed
the lawn at the Club house.
Also Jeff is working on a web site for the Club. The address is
Jeff would like Club member’s e-mail addresses to put on the Web page.
Send the info to Jeff N1SOM and he will pass it on to Jeff N1ZZN
Address changes
Any address changes should be sent to Jeff N1SOM at his address
Jeff Tracy – N1SOM
240 Washington Street Apt #1
Norwood, MA. 02062
This address is effective July 15th. Also dues payments or any correspondence to the Treasurer will be sent to this address. Don’t send anything to Abington or the Hanson address after July 27th .
Attention Amateur Radio Operators!!
The Genesis Amateur Radio Society will be hosting an Advanced License Theory Class
Where: Town of Plymouth Office of Emergency Preparedness: Memorial Hall: 83 Court Street. (Rte. 3A) Plymouth, MA (park out back….office is in the basement.)
When: Saturdays 08:00-10:00 am
August 1 to October 31, 1998
Contact: Eugene M. Harriman II, AA1CJ
L-Line: 508-747-8198
Bring: * pencil/pen and notebook
· ARRL Advanced class license book
· Scientific calculator-one with trigonometric functions-sine,
cosine, tangent, log functions
This is JUST ADVANCED THEORY… not code class! This class will prepare you for your Element 4A Amateur Radio License exam
Please call Gene AA1CJ if you plan to attend
--courtesy of Gene Harriman AA1CJ
On June 27th and 28th members of the Whitman Amateur Radio Club participated
in Field Day. There were 499 contacts made with 36 states and 3 Canadian
Providences. We got off due to the weather, but the rain stopped and we
were able to make contacts right up till 2PM on Sunday. The new generator
performed flawlessly and we were happy with its performance. A total
of 5 base stations were set up. Jeff N1SOM will tally up the contacts
and mail the paperwork to ARRL for processing. When the total points are
calculated it will be printed in the newsletter.